Spy Shots: Enough already with the 2011 BMW M5

2011 BMW M5 – Click above for high-res image gallery

Another month, another round of 2011 BMW M5 spy shots. It never fails. But this latest smattering of pics shows off even more of the Bavarian luxo-bomber's exterior, including its shapely, M3-inspired fascia, bulging hood and camo-covered (and trademarked) fender vents aft of the front wheels.

Naturally, the rest is comprised of standard 5 Series bits, but those massive, drilled rotors and 10-spoke BBS wheels speak to the heart of the matter. And speaking of the heart – if you weren't already aware – expect the all-new M5 to be packing upwards of 560 horsepower and 530 pound-feet of torque from its twin-turbocharged 4.4-liter V8. With the recent onslaught of photos, the next M5 is right around the bend, and we should get our first glimpse within the next few months.

The Blueprint To All Our Data Is Hidden Inside This Mountain Fortress

The Blueprint To All Our Data Is Hidden  Inside This Mountain FortressIn the snowy Swiss Alps, behind a three and a half ton door that could withstand a nuclear attack and beyond a maze of passageways, scientists are depositing a capsule containing everything future generations will need to decipher our data.

The facility is the Swiss Fort Knox (really, that's what it's called) and the researchers are those of Planets, a project funded partially by the European Union with the aim of ensuring "long-term access to our digital cultural and scientific assets." As one of the project's leaders noted, Einstein's paper notes are still readable today; Stephen Hawking's digital ones, seven decades on, might not be.

Today, four years after their project began, the Planets team deposited a capsule deep into the heart of the Swiss Fort Knox compound, containing punch-cards, microfilm, floppy discs, audio tapes, CDs, DVDs, USB and Blu Ray media. They wanted to give the researchers of the future everything they might need to reconstruct our media and salvage our histories, regardless of how different their technological landscape looks.

Andreas Rauber, a Viennese professor and partner of the Planets team, explains:

Unlike hieroglyphics carved in stone or ink on parchment, digital data has a shelf life of years not millennia. Failure to implement adequate digital preservation measures now could cost us billions in the future.

But digital preservation isn't only a matter of economics. As we explored in our Memory Forever theme week, our society is increasingly trusting hard drives to do the work that brains—and paper—once did, and while that's working out for the present, there's no telling what to expect when it comes time to access our digital past. Be glad that some people are thinking ahead. [Planets Project and Swiss Fort Knox via PC Mag]


想要成功减肥的同志们 看过来了,本人身高158cm,曾重130斤,现在只有94斤,是活生生的快速减肥法成功案例。还在想着怎么甩掉肉 肉,在这个夏天穿上美丽裙子的姐妹们,这趟通往超短裙短裤末班车的帖子,一定要看哦!


眼见为实啦,这就是我130斤左右的时候照的,虽然样子有些小吓人,但好歹也是人生的一种经历。记得当时最想减掉的就是肚子啦,厚厚的一圈肉,让人 弯不下来,坐不舒坦,恨不得可以割掉。

我的胖有一半以上的原因是因为我吃的多引起的,所以刚开始减肥我就往减少食量上面走的,不过正因为我是因为吃的多长得胖,所以节食这个法子试用没到 三天我就放弃了,改成了苹果法,就是一日三餐只吃苹果,什么都不吃。不知道在哪里看来的说法,说是这个苹果减肥法只需要坚持三天,再胖再难瘦下来的人都可 以变苗条。

三日苹果减肥法好吗?我不晓得有 没有人成功过,反正我连续吃了五天苹果,到有段时间一看到苹果就想吐的地步,身上的肉肉也还是没减多少,人倒是走路都开始有飘的感觉了。而且差不多没到半 个月,感觉体重又回来了。个人感觉这个减肥法子还不是很科学的,要是光吃三天苹果就是瘦,世界上哪有那么多胖子?!



我减肥弄的最疯狂的一次是内服外敷,外面抹上一层纤体膏,然后用保鲜膜裹上,慢慢在家里做一些运动,还同时吃买来的减肥药。那短时间真是把我害惨了,纤体膏 倒是还好,没出现将皮肤烧红的迹象,好像没擦过一样,因为运动保鲜膜上倒是有不少水分,弄的整个皮肤皱巴巴的,那个减肥药则是刚开始吃的时候没有动静,连 续吃了两天后,让我拉肚子拉到差点虚脱。不过总是有效果的,瘦了十来斤下来了。

但这个体重没保持多久,我去医院以后止住腹泻之后也停止喝减肥药敷纤体膏,喝了几天水以后体重又呼呼的往上涨。看来减的不是脂肪是水分,这样减下去 的体重很快就会反弹的。



后来我就在各大减肥论坛上闲逛取经,后来在百度贴吧里有人推荐 清许减肥茶,说是靠调节人的食欲来达到减肥的目的的。很多姐妹们在上面写自己的减肥经历,还有对比图片,很是心动,立即去他家官网买了回来。


点击此处查 看更多关于清许茶的详细信息

这1包清许茶有300g,可以使用20天哦,在每顿饭的饭前空腹喝,每次取出5g,用200至300毫升、80到100度的开水冲泡,5至10分钟 后等茶够浓了,一次喝完,非常简单哦!

话说这个清许茶还是有一段很长的历史典故呢,它是根据老中医家族世代相传的秘方配制而成的中药减肥茶,经过了特殊的用量比例,主要成分有荷叶、决明 子、玫瑰、山楂、菊花等纯天然药材,纯天然的药材肯定没有副作用啦,我感觉这点是最重要的了,而且制作工艺更是非常独特哦,需经过多道工序,选材、泡药、 凉晒、烘干……最后打磨成最利于人体吸收的粉末状!





我前后喝了一段时间,感觉不仅自己的食量在慢慢趋于固定下来,每天吃东西吃到一定程度就好像胃里有人在说“停住!”,然后就不会再想吃了,相对于以 前尝试过的一些减肥方法,我还是比较喜欢喝清许茶。


这就是我的理想体重,已经很瘦了,看那腿多纤细啊~~ O(∩_∩)O哈哈~

现在,我停用清许茶已经有一段日子了,最担心的反弹问题也没出现,不过为了以防万一,我再也不想以前一样吃了就睡,睡醒了就吃了,现在还是会偷空运 动一下的,而且夏天就要来到,好容易减肥成功的我,当然是要抓紧机会秀美腿啦!

Rihanna Self-Pleasure Performance In Concert

Rihanna performed in Oberhausen, Germany last week and got a little touchy-feely with herself and does the mound rube in fishnet. And I am not going go lie, I can get to really enjoy this shit. Does she pleasure herself during every show or what? Whatever the case, she could at least mix up the wardrobe to keep things fresh for groupie fanatics who follow her from one city to the next... Even though Rihanna's "Last Girl On Earth" tour is going a little rough from the standpoint of her health (she fainted) and her inability to stay on her feet (she slipped and fell in France), her tour is still going on well. And I would certainly pay to see this awesome shit live in concert. I hope no one mind me having my penis out and in my hand while standing in the front row to fully appreciate her onstage performance. Freaking whore...why don't she just finger yourself on stage while she is at it? I think we can all agree; sex sells, when you have nothing else to offer. Anyway, I am off to buy some Rihanna concert tickets and some lube. Click on pictures to enlarge.

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